The Summer School tutors

Your tutors have many decades of experience between them, of teaching, research and professional practice in information design.

Dr Rob Waller

Financial design, legal information design, typography, language and design
Rob Waller is the coordinator of the Simplification Centre and a practising information designer with over forty years experience developing clear information for companies such as Vodafone, BT, Barclays, British Gas and many others. He has a doctorate for work on information design theory, and has held academic posts at the Open University and the University of Reading, UK.

Professor Clive Richards

Diagramming, visualisation, design education
Clive Richards is a leading design educator and Emeritus Professor of Information Design at Birmingham City University. He is a former President of the IIID, a former President of the Chartered Society of Designers in the UK, and a trustee of the Simplification Centre. He has a doctorate from the Royal College of Art in London, for his influential work on diagrammatics, and he was an early pioneer of computer animation and computer-aided drafting.

Professor Karel van der Waarde

Health and pharmaceutical information, user-testing, regulation of design, design education
Karel van der Waarde is a leading expert on medical communications and user-testing. His clients include many well known names such as Bayer, Procter & Gamble and GSK. With a doctorate on the subject from the University of Reading, he has published numerous papers on information design research and is a frequent conference speaker on information design and pharmaceutical labelling. He teaches visual communication at Basel School of Design and is Vice President for Education and Research of the IIID Executive Committee.

Any questions?

If you have any questions about the course, and whether it is right for you, just email us:

Three of the tutors

What people say

Here’s what participants said about past summer schools:

'Such a rich week in terms of learning and exchanging ideas: I would do it again, and actually I might!'
'The tutors were a fount of knowledge. I learnt so much from my fellow course mates too. The breadth of the programme was incredible and provided a great course for designers and newbies alike.'
'The Information Design Summer School provides a great combination of lectures and project work, possibility to learn from the best, build the network and find like-minded friends. A special highlight of the course – experienced professors, who not only share their deep knowledge but also show a lot of real-life examples from their own work in the field. I left the Summer School full of insights and new ideas for my current research work and future projects. Thank you very much!'
'If you want to meet some inspirational people and top up your ideas bank, this is for you.'
'The summer school was hugely stimulating. I met a fantastic bunch of people, and was honoured to learn from tutors who are clearly expert in their fields. It opened my eyes to many areas of information design I’d been oblivious to before! Most of my work is to do with communicating effectively, and I feel like I’ve been given x-ray specs that enable me to see it in a whole new way.'
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